
What to read next?

by - April 20, 2015

Hello every1!

Today I give you some great websites you can browse after you finish a great read, and have no clue of what to read next.

Basically, in this website you can browse from a huge database of wonderful books and authors, You just need to type your last read (e.g, the Author and the name of the Book), and the website will give you a long list of similar books. It will also show you some tags about each book.

Let's take Nora Roberts' book 'Northern Lights'. The website will show you the main tags for the book you typed, and bellow, a list of other books with similar tags you might enjoy:

Pros: The tags help you understand if the book does, in fact, include the themes you're interested in.
Cons: Limited stories. Not many books from each author to choose from.

This website is a beautiful experience, much different than other websites. You can choose from the Featured list of books they have, where you can browse other users maps. If you would like for a more complete experience, do register and build your own map. You can name it anything you want, and add as many books as you'd like.

Let's take Karen Marie Moning's book 'Burned. You just type the name of the author/book, select it, and then you can build your own map.

You can also check the main maps the website already has planned for you. Choose from General Fiction to Professional, Culture and Young Readers, to see the connections to other stories.

Pros: Build your own recommendation map, which makes this website more diverse in a matter of taste.
Cons: You need to register to enjoy the full experience. The bigger maps become confusing to browse.
This is another website with millions of books to choose from. It's a bit more complex but, also, it becomes more complete. You can choose from up to 4 different tags from 24 possible ones.

In each tag you choose, you can slide the green arrow (that will appear once you select the tag), and drag it to choose from one end of the tag to the other. Meaning, you can select a HAPPY, SAFE, BEAUTIFUL and LONG story. You just click GO, and the website will give you a long list of possibilities!

You can also browse for a specific Character (Gender, Age, Race and Sexuality), or a specific kind of plot. There is also the possibility to browse for a setting. It can be from anywhere around the world to an imaginary setting!

Pros: The best website I've come across recently. Contains thousands of possible combinations and books.
Cons: The only thing that bugs me a little bit, is that you can't cross the Character/Plot/Setting with the other Tags. If that were possible, this site would be 5*!

I hope you take time to check these websites, because, honestly, they are really worth it!

Happy Readings,

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