To edit, or not to edit?
Hello my dear followers,
It came to my mind today, that the hardest part of writing isn't to get the story out through our fingers into our laptops; oh, no, my dearies! The hardest is to re-re-read and re-re-edit your entire manuscript, from the very first page with the title to the last with the words 'The End'. In my own experience, editing, for a lack of a better word and I apologize for it, SUCKS!
I haven't met any author, amateur or professional, who enjoyed this phase. Usually, if you're a professional author and have a publishing house supporting you, someone (or someones), will grab your very polished manuscript, and give it a last review.
If, like me, you're as amateur as it can be, and have no money and no publishing house to back you up, you'll have to bribe friends and family, or complete strangers, to read your story and try and find Waldo (e.g., those damn typos!).
There's, of course, door number 3. And, that is, the Grammar Softwares. In my short amateur career as a writer, I've tried them all, I've worked with all kinds of softwares, webpages and apps. The three I'll present you, are my favourite, all for different reasons I will mention shortly.
Grammarly is a free page where you can upload your document and check for your spelling. You can add the Add-in to your browser, and Grammarly will help you with your emails and other text you might need to send to someone very special, and you don't want to make a fool of yourself by saying 'Their' instead of 'They're'.
StyleWriter4 is another great tool if you're getting serious about your writing. This program is an amazing tool, a bit more complicated than other softwares but, believe me, once you get the hand of it, you can go a long way with your writing. It not only tells you what words are spelled wrong, but it also analyses complete sentences, and even the consistency of your writing, which, believe me, will be eye opening.
Pros: More complete editing, many features (at 1st you'll feel like its too much), a very thorough analisation of your manuscript.
Cons: Only 14 days evaluation period, after that you'll have to purchase it (it's really really worth it!)