Goodbye, my love

by - January 31, 2016


These are the hardest words I've ever written in my life. These last few days have been the worst I've ever experienced. I'm sorry if it makes you sad, depressed, or brings you down - that's not what I want, at all; but, if I don't make a post about this, if I don't let it out, I'll explode with the pain.

This night, my love, my best friend, my childhood dog, passed away. I'm still in shock, I suppose, because I can't believe I will never see him again.

We were lucky enough to have him for 14 years, I don't even remember my life before we had him. To feel this pain, especially over a thousand miles away, and knowing that I will never  kiss you goodbye, that I will never hold you in my arms, and that I will never smell his sense.

My heart is broken, and I don't think it will ever heal. I can only hope I can manage the pain, and make it bearable.

Goodbye, my baby. I miss you so much. I still don't know how to deal with this pain, but I promise that I will never forget you!

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