5 Books to read on Valentine's day - even if you don't care for the day

by - February 14, 2016

Hello my dear readers!

Today is the day; the day at least half of us don't especially care for: Valentine's Day! ❤️
I find that this day requires a certain dose of romance - even if you hate the day, or if you're single, or both! I've always enjoyed a nice cosy reading & a romantic movie to enjoy this day. Now, for us girls, when single, this day can suck - not because we're "alone", but because everyone likes to point out that you're a pretty girl, smart and funny, and that it's a real shame you don't have a boyfriend!

True , though

Don't feel bad, don't feel like there's something wrong with you or that this day sucks because you don't have anyone to celebrate with. Who really cares about this day, anyway? I mean, sure, you see millions of couples go out for dinner and a movie, all happy and in love. But, remember, tomorrow is Monday, and real life is back - how many of those couples will go back to fighting and cursing at each other? I rest my case.

Even if you don't exactly love the day, but you love love, I've got a small list of great love stories for you to read and enjoy.

1. Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire

Love the book, although there's probably some wrong message for some of you readers. The troubled relationship between Abby and Travis is everything but conventional - and that's what draws you into these two. When Jamie McGuire named the book Beautiful Disaster, she was right on the money - this relationship between two college students is a disaster waiting to happen. They drag their friends down with them to their confusing and intense relationship.

They're both extremely hard-headed people - like Eminem and Rihanna on Love the Way You lie, a tornado meets a volcano. They're not violent, but you kinda feel throughout the book that if this was a different kind of book, things could end in violence.

Now, I love the story exactly because there's always tension, and you can't help to think that it will end in disaster - to know, you'll have to read it!

2. Daring to Dream - Nora Roberts

The 1st book in this Nora Roberts' Trilogy; an amazing story of 3 girls, Margo, Kate and Laura, who grew up best friends, in the wonderful Templeton House. Margo ends up leaving to find her own dreams of being an international supermodel. When things take a wrong turn, she decides to run back to the Templetons, where she knew the family would welcome her with open hearts - except for the Templeton's son, Josh.

True to her wonderful storytelling abilities, Miss Roberts shows us that sometimes, our long-time dreams were not the right ones after all.

3. Can You Keep a Secret? - Sophie Kinsella

One of the first two books I gave out on my very 1st Giveaway. Love, love, love this story! It has love, awkwardness, a funny heroine you can relate to, and a hot guy. Emma has some secrets - don't we all? She hides them from her boyfriend, her friends and co-workers... pretty much the whole world. But, during one very troubled plane travel, she spills them all to an attractive unknown man. Unknown, until she meets him back at the company she works for, and learns he is none other than the CEO of said company, Jack Harper.

Our girl will have to deal with the humiliation of her boss knowing every thought in her mind - even about her own job. Emma is sweet, hilarious and has that piece of all us girls and all our own insecurities.

4. Blue-Eyed Devil - Lisa Kleypas

Uuuuuuuuuh, I absolutely love this story! I think I've read it at least 5 times, already. It's not an easy story, I warn you in advance. Haven Travis comes from a very wealthy family, and she defies her family by marrying a man they don't exactly approve of - but who cares about that when you're in love? But, not so long after her marriage, things start to fall around her, in a very violent way. Her husband is not exactly the kind of man she once thought he was, and she finds herself deep in a situation no woman would ever want to be. To escape, she'll need to gather all the strength she can.

When Haven returns home, she is determined to never let a man have any kind of power over her. Until she meets Hardy Cates; he is ruthless, new-rich, and has sworn vengeance on her family. But, when the two meet, the sparks burn them both.

A wonderful read, heavy and a little emotionally exhausting, very emotional but, beautiful through and through.

5. The Reef - Nora Roberts

Miss Roberts again. My all-time Romantic Writer. I just love this woman. This story has it all: love, adventure, tension, mystery, and a treasure hunt! How could you not love it?

Tate Beaumont is a marine archaeologist, and both she and her father have been in love with treasure-hunting forever. They end up teaming with Buck and Matthew Lassiter, two salvagers they meet along their quest on finding a dark jewel, Angelique's Curse. They end up crossing paths with dangerous characters, ready to do everything they can to get to the jewel first. When mistrust clouds the partnership, the Beaumonts and the Lassiters decide to go their separate ways. Years later, when fate brings them back together, Angelique's Curse is alive and well, and this time they will fight back for the treasure that haunts the deep sea.

A wonderful setting in paradise, with blue waters, warm sand and romance - even if you hate Valentine's, what's not to love about this story?

I hope, whatever you decide on reading for today, that you have a wonderful Sunday - for those who February 14th is just another regular day; and a Happy Valentine's Day for the romantic suckers like me!

Happy Readings,


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