by - December 14, 2015

Hello guys!

I've been away for holiday for almost 3 amazing weeks, and now amd back to work and normal life. First of all, sorry for the lack of updates on the blog, but if you follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SophieQuinnAuthor and on Instagram @SophieQuinnOfficial , you know how great everything was.

I've been missing from the blog and I apologize for that - Christmas is coming, the madness with work & home duty is getting worse! (---->  X.X  this is me, at the moment)

I wanted to share some of my holiday fun in the blog, if you didn't have the chance to see it in my Instagram or Facebook!

I'm stilll working on my projects, and things will get exciting very soon. Follow my updates and read some older stories right here on my WATTPAD PROFILE !!!!!!

A short trip to London's one and only Natural History Museum

The village of Cascais, with a great book fair I stumbled upon

My old boy, Beethoven - he just loves to be pampered

My princess, Rina, hanging on the sofa like a lady

My boyfriend's dog, Ulisses, and his adventures in the forest :)

Myself, experiment selfies with the help of the Portuguese sun

The beautiful scenery of the city of Viseu - if you ever have a chance to visit Portugal, you definitely should visit this beautiful historical city

 Merry Christmas to you all, from myself and my wonderful man H (this is him in the photo ^^, he likes to be anonymous but he's so adorable in this photo and we both really are happy for all the love you give us on all the social media!)

Happy Readings,

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