Sex scenes - Yay or Nay?

by - May 08, 2016

Intimacy is something very personal, it's hard to define the word and the feeling. The closest thing to it is that Intimacy makes you feel protected, at peace, when in the company of the person you love - or a friend or family member.

Now, speaking about sex... Sex is not the same as intimacy - if you think it is... please speak to a friend, or someone you trust, because you have it wrong. Sex can lead to more intimacy between some couples, if the encounter has love involved.

When it comes to books, whether you're reading a Nora Roberts' romance, or a George R. R. Martin saga, there's sex scenes - in some more than others. Now, are the sex scenes important in ALL genres? Yes and No.

Since, for me, sex is a sign of intimacy, I would/will only write a more descriptive sex/love scene IF it made sense for the characters involved. If you've read my stories before, you won't find anything too detailed about such an intimate moment. Obviously, I will write something a bit more... spicy, if you will, if and when it makes sense.

Just like a fight scene, or a kissing scene, the love scene should be about a moment where the characters change; it has to be something meaningful, a moment of revelation that will set the tone for the rest of the book.

Well... yeah... *cringes*

If it's "only" a couple in love having their first private moment, I don't, personally, think it's important to write about the details - hell, most of us already know what the, er, "mechanics" are all about *blushes*.

Every time I read a sex scene on a book, I feel like I'm actually sitting in the corner of the bedroom and checking them out... Creepy!

Then, there's the "truth" thing in writing a sex scene. I mean, c'mon, we ALL know the first time - with ANYONE, I might add - isn't the most romantic night ever, and the orgasm won't happen at the same time, turning the whole magical experience into a heavenly meeting of the souls *barfs*. Usually, it's clumsy, messy, you're both trying to understand what the other likes and dislikes, and in the end, usually, it's also a bit embarrassing. Guys, everything is better in books - except Game of Thrones... real life is better than GOT.

That's why '50 Shades' is a best-seller - have you ever met a rich, steamy sex God that falls in love with the Mary Sue girl with no sense of fashion, big breasts or fake tan? -.-

In the end of the day, we all read, mostly, to dream, to travel, to escape the daily life, so if you're into hot and steamy book boyfriends that give the girl the best sex EVER, yeah, sex scenes are awesome! Me? Well, I prefer to give you some truth, flawed characters, embarrassing first encounters and privacy for my characters.

Happy Readings,

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