New book coming out - soon!

by - August 29, 2015

Hi guys!

After a long time and a LOT of consideration, I've decided to publish a book I've written a couple years ago, with a style that's completely different from what you're used to see from me.

I've had many people asking me on Wattpad when or if I will publish this novel, and I've always kinda ran from that question.

Now, I can firmly say, that yes, THE ACADEMY will be published! I'm working on polishing the story, editing and all that, get a new cover - work of my dearest Boyfriend H - and publish it as soon as possible.

You can now read it on my Wattpad page, but keep in mind it's the unpolished version; I promise it'll be much better once it's published.

It will be COMPLETELY FREE, same as 'THE DIARY OF A SIZE 12', so you don't have to worry about that *wink*

I hope you love it!

Happy Readings,


* Click on WATTPAD and on THE ACADEMY to view my official page and read the story!
Links: Page -
           Story -

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